These five steps will change how you react, and act, in difficult situations so that you can be the cool calm and connected parent you have always wanted to be.
5 Days to a Calmer You!
Join me for just 10 minutes a day and see yourself TRANSFORM after 5 days! You will be calmer, more patient, and yell less.
Nina has been lucky enough to be invited as a guest on various podcast. Listen in to learn more about her Mindful Parenting Lifestyle Journey as well as other aspects of her life.
The Essential FREE Guide with practical tips and strategies for responding calmly and kindly after losing your temper with your child.
Spend some time with your kids enjoying the great outdoors with this printable Mindful Nature Walk Checklist!
Discover three must have tools to unlock parental calm and bring peace and harmony to your family.
30 minutes long and completely free.
Blogs, blogs and more blogs!
Nina shares her Mindful Parenting thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
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